Monday, August 8, 2011

We love weekends with Daddy!lol

This weekend was so fun! Joel got home from work early on Friday so we got an early start to our weekend!

So cute!
 After hanging out for a little while and eating dinner on Friday we headed off to Color Me Mine to paint a mug with Siena's hand print and birthdate info. Here are some of those photos:

Chillin in her carseat waiting for her chance at the

We attempted a hand print...Here's the result:

Success? I think not..but it adds character right?lol We then decided that a foot print would suffice.

The finished procuct..however they still have to put the glaze on it and bake it.. i'll post the completed product once we've picked it up.


After Color Me Mine we headed off to Cocoa Bean and got a cupcake and a free drink with a coupon. Love coupons!lol

On Saturday we got ready and Rachel Brinkerhoff came over and took baby photos for us! They turned out GREAT too! You can see those on our facebook or on hers! She did such a great job and we're so happy with all the photos we got!

Saturday afternoon Joel and I did "tummy time" with Siena. This is just something that the Dr's suggested to help babies start developing their muscles and motor skills..But ya, as you can see from the picture we were given some black and white pictures that we put in front of her that are stimulating for her brain..

Well...When Joel was showing her some of the pictures she started smiling! Each time he switched the picture she would smile again! Not sure if this was just a coincidence and she just had gas..but it sure didn't seem like here are those pictures:

So darn cute! Can't wait til she can smile all the time! Anyway! that was pretty much our weekend! Lots of fun! Have a great day!


  1. OH MY GOSH! THOSE are LEGIT SMILES TO ME!! :) :) :) I think she'll be an early smiler! She's SO cute!

  2. Oh I loved your story and it reminded me of when Kari and Julie and I use to go pain ceramics when they were in college and unmarried, too. Quite a while ago actually! Looks like you are having a great time together and the photos of Siena smiling are just the cutest! Thanks for sharing! Love ya'll! Joel, sorry I missed you that last night but guess a chick flick didn't sound so fun, huh!
