Friday, November 8, 2013

A Silly Kind of Morning..:)

This morning already has been a fun one. Siena is such a goof. First, this is how she drank her smoothie this morning:

 She is saying cheese in this next
 What a cutie..

Then, after a shower she was using my blowdryer as a  microphone.

Video of her singing.

And here are a couple from a few days ago that make me laugh. Siena had gone into the office saying she was "going to work" and it got really quiet in there a few seconds later. I went in to check on her and this is what I found:
 She was working away, just like

I love this little girl. She keeps life fun and interesting.:)

1 comment:

  1. Another one I had not seen! Yikes! Where has my head been? I LOVE this blog and Rachel's and Danielle's and today I am catching up with everyone. Cutest pictures of Siena! So happy that I got a chance to see her and get to know her a little better! So happy to get the darling book you made for Julie of the children!
